Mark Dingwall and the plot to steal from Rangers fans

Currently running on Follow Follow, the forum with less readers than you think, there is a thread slowly disappearing down the rankings. It sits on page 3 at the moment. Mark Dingwall may not have spotted it yet because if he does it will be deleted. I concede it may have been read by him and allowed to stay because firstly there are no hard questions on it; and secondly sychophantic posters are rallying round the “we love Mark” flagpole.

The thread, created by one “felix_nieto” (the real life Nieto is a 47 year old Spanish painter), simply asks when the next edition of Follow Follow is going to be published?

While one or two posters are a tad rattled, most notably one poor sod on a supporters’ bus who bought a load only to find they were old issues, many of Mark’s adoring fans (I was going to write apologist crawlers but that seems cruel) have chipped in with the reasons.

“he is too busy with media stuff”

“he has no time, he is in meetings”

“he is far too busy”

One critic mentions that the one on sale at the last home game was the January issue. Another says, quite rightly, that Number 1 is a better read anyway.

I fear now for Mark’s sanity. I really do. You see, if he had his normal “Money is God” hat on, he would have realised that our Club has never been talked about more. Fans want to hear and read what is going on. And there is plenty going on. He could have filled several editions if he had been thinking straight.

And it isn’t like him to miss such a glorious opportunity to rake in the cash. Especially since he under declares sales figures so the taxman doesn’t get his fair share.

So there must be a good reason why Mark is missing out on the money. Those pathetic excuses above from Follow Follow. Puleeeaase.

Don’t tell me. It’ll come to me in a minute.

Of course. I remember now. He still owes his printer a fortune going waaaay back. The chappie won’t do any more work for Dingwall until he coughs up.

I wonder what would happen to any poor soul who dared say that on the thread?

Go on, I double dare you.

Now, to the title of the blog. Who is he stealing from? Why you lot, of course. How many people have fallen for the sales pitch a few weeks ago and paid up front for the next twelve months issues? Do you think you will ever see another edition?

I wonder what would happen to any poor soul who dared say that on the thread?

Go on, I double double dare you.

Explore posts in the same categories: Mark Dingwall, this is your life.

2 Comments on “Mark Dingwall and the plot to steal from Rangers fans”

  1. neil mcmillan Says:

    Its all about The Rangers ? no its all about stealing from the fans? What about the downloads and the charity money? Where is Walter Smiths bust anyway? Penny Arcade, Simply The Best, Dignity as a starter for 10 and the Rangers Music facebook page from a RST board member (Dungwallet and his companions)money makers. Erskine,help for heroes and Rangers are all missing “full” proceeds – what do they have to say. How many thousands was made from downloads compared to charity donations? Making money out of the fighting fund name as well – where are the badge monies going- have the badges suddenly disappeared or have rangers reigned him in? Buy a share in Dungwallet and join the RST. Its all about the Dungwallet & his lackies.

    Rangers for Truth and Integrity

    • If you know of missing money from charity drives organised by Dingwall, it is your duty to share them. Until then, all they are are allegations, I’m afraid.

      Mind you, that’s quite a list of accusations.

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